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Business Coaching for Photographers: Get Support and Magnetize Your Brand

March 15, 2024

Hello, loves!

I'm a proud boy Mom, world traveler, margarita lover, and brand coach in San Diego who’s empowered over 300 entrepreneurs step into the spotlight, create a brand they’re obsessed with, and flourish in their purpose!

Meet meg

Hey, brand photographer! 

Are you considering a photography business coach to help turn your passion into a sustainable business? 

You’re in the right place. 

It can take a long time to build your brand, especially if you’re doing it alone. Before I was a six-figure brand photographer, I struggled to make my business profitable. 

But once I started investing in things like group masterminds and 1:1 coaching, my business grew to six figures fast! 

Support is key to fast-tracking your success, and I’m such an advocate for getting help. It can literally cut your time in half to reach your BIGGEST goals. 

There are several ways to get support, like:  

  • online courses
  • group coaching
  • memberships 

Here at Meg Marie, I offer all of the above ways to work with me. I’m gonna get into each one so you can decide which one best fits your needs. 

Why Invest in a Brand Photography Online Course?

There are several benefits to investing in an online photography course. To start, it’s a good way to get a feel for a coach’s style if you’re thinking about high-level support. 

Here are a few other key benefits:

Meg Marie posing with a laptop in one arm and a camera in the other, screaming with excitement.

Work at your own pace and your own timeline 

If you have little ones like me and have more free time after bedtime, a course may be ideal. You can work through the content anytime and don’t have to worry about meeting schedules. 

Save hours (or weeks) of time

Time is money! As a business owner, you have to protect your time. Getting support from an online course can get you lightyears ahead much faster. It’s basically a guide to show you what steps to take and when. 

Side view of Meg Marie wearing jeans and a black blazer, sitting on a couch working on a laptop.
Meg Marie wearing a crop top, jeans, and a hat, posing with one hand holding a camera and the other hand on her hip.

Get a roadmap from someone who has proven results 

A course takes the guesswork out of your journey. It gives you a step-by-step roadmap to get amazing results fast. No more dealing with decision fatigue. It’s best to buy a course from a coach who has proven results. This way you know the strategy works! 

Courses work best when you schedule specific times in your calendar for completing portions of the course. This way you hold yourself accountable. 

Implementation is key to getting the outcome you want from an online course. 

Pricing for Profit is an easy investment and a great place to start. Feel free to take a look and get instant clarity on your pricing and offers. 

What Do Brand Photography Masterminds Have to Offer?

Another way to fast-track your results is by joining a group mastermind program.

If you’re like me, you need this type of environment to be consistent. Here are some main benefits: 

→ More likely to show up and do the work

Masterminds are typically a higher investment, as well as a group setting. Which means you’ll make it a point to show up and do the work. In a group environment, you’re not just getting support from one person – you’re getting accountability from a whole community. As well as your photography business coach. Peer support is so powerful!

→ Individualized coaching support

You get exclusive access to your coach and they can work with you on a more personal level. They get to learn your business inside and out and customize your coaching to fit your unique goals. Personalized support will quantum-leap your success! 

→ Access to resources + Q&A’s 

Like online courses, you get the tools and resources you need to reach your goals quickly. In a mastermind, however, you get to come to sessions and ask questions as you go through the content. This way you can fill any voids you have and get your results even faster. 

In my 6-month Flourish Mastermind, I offer all of this PLUS you get access to all my online courses, live portfolio reviews, and an in-person retreat. So much value in one program! 

Benefits of Joining an Ongoing Photography Membership

The last one I want to talk about is a photography membership. This is great for the photographer who wants the best of both worlds. 

Here are some benefits of joining a membership: 

Meg sitting in front of a brown couch on the floor, working on a laptop with her camera beside her.

→ Ongoing support

If you’re the type who craves someone to be there through each moment of your journey, a membership may be a great option! Because it’s ongoing, you’ll always have a place to come, ask questions, collaborate, and network. Continued accountability is unmatched! 

→ Community engagement

Like a mastermind, you’ll have the power of peer support. You’ll have an entire community of photographers to cheer you on, answer questions, and bounce ideas off of. Plus you’ll have weekly access to your coach. Your biggest cheerleader!

Close-up of Meg’s midsection as she’s holding her camera.
Meg Marie wearing tan pants and a white crop top, sitting on a couch smiling and holding her camera.

→ Coaching support

Your coach is more accessible than they would be in an online course. Of course, you’re not gonna get the same high-level support as a mastermind. But having access to your photography business coach is invaluable. 

I’m so excited because I just launched a photography membership program for brand photographers like you. Inside, you get access to my whole course content library, and two group Q&A calls monthly with me and your new brand photography besties! This is perfect for you if you’re craving ongoing support to scale to six figures. 

Which Option Is Right for You? + How to Pick a Coach That’s the Perfect Fit

There you have it! I hope you now have clarity and found the right option for you. And hey, no one’s stopping you from choosing all three. 

Do what feels right for you at this point in your journey.

Meg wearing a white jumpsuit and sitting on the top part of a couch smiling with her legs crossed.

To recap:

  • An online course is a great choice if you like to work on your own time and love the idea of the flexibility of a course. 
  • A mastermind is a wonderful option if you want high-level support working closely with a coach and getting the accountability of the group aspect. 
  • A membership is amazing for photographers who want access to an expert coach and peer support on an ongoing basis.

Ultimately, it’s important you feel good about the coach you choose to invest in. Finding a coach who specializes in the business you want or embodies your vision is ideal. 

Sharing similar values and envisioning the same lifestyle is also beneficial. For example, I tend to lean into coaches who are moms because they understand what I’m going through on a personal level. 

Anyone can teach content. But you want to hand your money over to a coach who has been there and can really help you on your journey too. You should feel excited and know without a doubt – this is the coach for me!

Make sure to do your research and note if the photography business coach has proven results. Read through their testimonials or reach out to their past students.  I know my students are happy to answer any questions people have about my offers, so don’t hesitate. 

I’m confident you’ll make the right investing decision for your brand, and I can’t wait to see your photography business booked up with DREAM clients.

Wishing you a life of more profit and impact!

I want to leave you with a success story from one of my past Flourish Mastermind students, Lena. 

Lena was so close to quitting, but took the leap and hopped into Flourish with both feet. The result? Her profits skyrocketed!

She quickly went from $220 months to $10k months. Yay, Lena!

When you combine a strong belief in yourself, along with the support and accountability of women with the same drive and determination, there is no way you can fail. 

Meg’s student Lena wearing a blue sweatshirt with jeans, sitting on a couch with her phone in her hand and smiling.

Check out my free email template resource for brand photographers who want done-for-you emails to set up an incredible client experience. 

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About MEG

I'm a proud boy Mom, world traveler, margarita lover, and brand coach in San Diego who’s empowered over 300 entrepreneurs step into the spotlight, create a brand they’re obsessed with, and flourish in their purpose!

I've created a multiple six figure business through my brand photography and education for business owners (while both my babies were till in diapers)! I love empowering other women visionaries to do the same.

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Whether you're looking for a brand photos or to BE a brand photographer, I want to help you achieve your wildest entreprenuership dreams.

It's time to flourish in your purpose.

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